New Book Authors Publishing now offers writing development. This is one on one consulting for new authors who would like to write, or are in the process of writing  a first novel and need professional feedback on their writing and story. The writing development service is also for new authors who are interested in writing a novel but have no idea where to start. At the end of this process you should have a clean manuscript with excellent professionally developed writing.

We help authors learn how to write by teaching you how structure your narration, characterization, and how to write more efficiently and professionally. We help you avoid mistakes like overwriting or purple prose, excessive commas or other common punctuation issues. We show you how to avoid run-on sentences, on the nose narration or dialogue, passive voice, and other mistakes that can make the execution of a great story look amateurish. We’ll offer feedback on your story and provide much needed input on what works and what doesn’t without altering the author’s creative voice. There is a fee for this writing development consultation and service as it can take many weeks of consultation and lessons to help authors learn how to write a manuscript.

If you are ready to learn how to properly write a book, reach out today if you need help. Please see the terms below before submitting:

By sending your materials, you agree that We, “New Book Authors”, have no desire to produce your work other than for the purposes You “the Author” specify, such as reviewing the material and providing writing development services to you at your behest. You agree that by completing this form there is no guarantee that your book will be accepted for the writing development program. This Terms of Agreement is to serve as a general outline; a formal agreement will be provided should the process move forward. As requested, we agree to review your work, provide feedback and consultation on your story and writing, and provide “lessons” on how to structure your writing and story more professionally. You agree that the outcome is determined by the author’s willingness to accept feedback, criticism, and ability to learn. You agree to submit original material that does not infringe on the copyright, patent, or trademark of other individuals or entities. You agree that you understand that we are a publishing company and that there may be books in publication that could possibly already have a plot similar to what you are submitting and may be in publication before your material is submitted to us, and that New Book Authors does not have the motivation or inclination to infringe on your copyright or unique ideas, and applaud and support them. We will work together to maintain the privacy of your work. We agree that you retain the rights to your unique ideas, material, and copyright and again, we have no desire beyond reviewing or providing the services you request. You understand that to obtain personal writing consultation has a fee. You understand that depending on the length of your novel or nonfiction book, it may take weeks to a many months to complete the development. The timeframe is determined by the Author’s skill level and amount of work and rewrites or updates needed. Fee for personal consultation, one on one writing and story development is $2,000. You understand that Writing Development is a separate service from our publishing division.

(Romance, thriller, suspense, mystery, children's book, fantasy, science fiction, etc.)